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视频-美国女足奥运冠军欣喜万分 期待北京再会

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月28日 16:55 新浪体育

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  新浪体育讯 The US women's team won the inaugural Olympic football event on home soil at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, but they were beaten in the final against Norway in Sydney four years later.


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  Mia Hamm and company reclaimed Olympic Gold in Athens on Thursday though after Abby Wambach scored against Brazil in the second period of extra time。


  "I don't think it has really hit me yet. I still think we have training this afternoon! I can't believe that this whole thing is over and to be in a position where I can help my team, I just feel privileged and honoured that we can send these special ladies off with a Gold Medal around their necks and this is what it is all about. "


  Julie Foudy intends to leave the team now that the Olympics are over, but has few regrets after their successful tournament.


  "I'm just happy I'm retiring, I don't have to face Brazil for the next four years actually! They are an excellent team. There were some great teams out there, but we knew this coming into the this tournament. I mean this is one of the great things about this team is we always respect our opponents and know how difficult they can be. You know the soccer gods were smiling on us last night 'cause Brazil played a great game, but when that one hit off the post for a second time in a row I just thought it was our night."


  As well as having claimed two Olympic Gold Medals with the US football team, striker Mia Hamm has also won the women's World Cup twice.


  But how does winning an Olympic tournament compare to lifting the World Cup? Mia Hamm can tell you.


  "You know, they are different and special and unique all to themselves and right now what I'm feeling is with this (holds her Gold Medal) and what we accomplished last night together as a team and I'm going to enjoy that and later on I'll be able to reflect on all those great moments I've had, but right now my joy comes from being a part of this team and us doing this together."


  The Gold Medals are now secure, but the younger members of the US Olympic team will be hungry for more Olympic success in Beijing in 2008.


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