视频-美国体操双子回国 哈姆:我的金牌没有争议 |
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月28日 16:36 新浪体育 |
With three silver and two gold medals collectively wrapped around their necks, twin brothers Paul and Morgan Hamm were enthusiastically greeted by a gathering of young gymnastics students at New York's Chelsea Piers on Thursday. 戴着三块银牌和两块金牌,美国体操队的双胞胎兄弟保罗-哈姆和摩根-哈姆星期四回到了美国之后。在纽约的切尔西大桥受到了一群小体操队员的热烈欢迎。
It was a refreshing reception, especially for all-round gold medallist Paul, after having to endure glaring scrutiny and the booing of fans in the wake of the controversy that ultimately led to the suspension of three judges. 这样的欢迎仪式让人非常高兴,尤其是对男子全能金牌得主保罗-哈姆来说更加如此。大家一定还记得在经历了详细的审察和球迷持久的嘘声之后,保罗-哈姆终于保住了这块金牌,但是当时的三名裁判却遭到了禁赛。 Hamm is convinced that video tape review reveals he is the true champion, and feels that a lack of definitive action on both the International and US gymnastics federations left him to fend for himself. 哈姆在赛后重新观看了录象带之后,确信自己才是真正的冠军。他认为在这个过程中,国际体操协会和美国体操协会表现的都不够权威性,让他不得不自己为了这整件事情而奔波。 "I did feel like a lot of the pressure was being put on me to make the decision about the medals, when in fact it's the FIG (Internationl Gymnastics Federation) that has the ultimate say. And it was a little bit tough to be put in that situation, but I think everyone now is starting to see things clearly and have all the facts, and people should realise that I was the Olympic champion that night." “我并没有这块金牌得问题而感到很大的压力,反正最终的决定是国际体操联合会做出的。确实,被放在这么一个环境中让人觉得很麻烦,但是我认为现在所有人都开始看清楚整件事和所有得事实。人们应该明白在那个晚上,我才是真正的奥运会体操冠军。” Twin brother Morgan found it difficult to watch his brother have to shoulder the responsibility of the controversy. 保罗的孪生兄弟摩根-哈姆则深刻的明白保罗趣承担这一切争议的困难和痛苦。 "Yeah, it was a tough situation and unfortunate that it happened, but, you know, I had to try and keep him focused, because we still had to compete in a bunch of events... he had four event finals and I had two, so he did a great job at staying focused and went out there and won a silver medal in the high bar, even when the crowd was booing right before his routine and he had to wait 10 minutes, so I'm very proud of him." “这确实是一个困难的环境,事情发生我感到非常遗憾。但是,你知道,我总是希望能够将他的注意力重新调回到比赛中来,因为我们接下去还有好多比赛要比。保罗要参加四个单项的决赛,我也要参加两个,他没有因此分散注意力,做得非常好,夺得了三枚银牌。虽然观众的嘘声让他在比赛之前不得不等待十分钟之久,他还是完成了比赛。我为他感到骄傲。” While the booing prior to Hamm's routine was aimed at the judges, who the crowd felt had unfairly scored Russia's Aleksei Nemov, the 21-year-old Hamm had to perform in a hostile environment en route to his silver medal performance. 当观众认为俄罗斯的涅莫夫受到了裁判的不公平待遇,在保罗-哈姆比赛之前送出十分钟针对裁判的嘘声的时候,保罗-哈姆依然从容登场并获得了该项目比赛得银牌。 Judging by the reception in New York, where he has already been greeted warmly on several national television programmes, there is little controversy back home. 看看在纽约迎接他的学生,看看来到现场的七个国家电视台,看来在美国,保罗-哈姆的成就绝对没有争议。 |