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视频-布拉特强调FIFA权威 国际足联挑战奥委会?

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月11日 12:19 新浪体育

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  新浪体育讯 FIFA president Sepp Blatter has insisted that the fight against doping in soccer will continue despite confusion over the association's relationship with the World Anti-Doping Agency. Blatter in Athens to oversee the soccer that entered the Olympic games said on Monday that the FIFA agree to follow WADA's strict codes, but insisted that the organization should allow FIFA autonomy so that he can retain control over the length of suspensions handed to players wh
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o test positive for banned substances.

  国际足联主席布拉特表示,尽管与世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-Doping Agency)之间的关系仍存在问题,但国际足联仍将坚持与足球运动中服用禁药的行为进行斗争。布拉特已赴雅典视察奥运会足球比赛,周一他表示国际足联虽同意遵守世界反兴奋剂机构的严格核查标准,但该组织也应给国际足联自治权,只有如此他才能控制在违禁药物测试中呈阳性运动员的禁赛时间。

  "The Agency and FIFA, we are together to fight against doping."


  Although FIFA has agreed to follow the WADA's procedures, they insisted that punishment handed out to plays following positive test for banned substances should depend on each individual case.


  "But that means along a suspension , it's an individual case management. You have to analyse, everybody has the right to be assist properly when he is in infraction of any law. And this is general law, it's not the FIFA law. And that is why it has to be analysed how all what he has taken, what is the background, and so on and so on. And in FIFA, and in International Law Association, it works, it works now."


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