视频-英国记者爆料:有记者携危险品进入奥运主会场 |
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月16日 09:24 新浪体育 |
A British newspaper claimed on Sunday to have exposed security flaws at the Olympic Games, reporting that an undercover journalist was able to leave suspicious-looking packages at the main stadium in Athens. 一家英国的报纸在星期天表示奥运会的安全问题依然存在隐患,根据他们报道,一名身份神秘的记者将有可能在奥运会的主体育馆留下让人怀疑的包袱。
The Sunday Mirror said reporter Bob Graham was hired five weeks ago as a forklift truck driver at the stadium without reference or former interview. 星期天镜报报道,一名没有什么背景资料,也没有受过什么正式调查的记者格拉汉姆在五个星期之前从一名司机变成了去雅典报道的记者。 The newspaper said Graham left packages containing fake bomb components - slabs of gray plasticine, batteries, coils of wire and electrical tape - at various locations around the stadium. He claimed they were not discovered during security sweeps. 这家报纸还说格拉汉姆留下了一个装有和炸弹成分很相近物体的包袱:灰色的粘土片,电池,绕在一起的电线和电子磁带。格拉汉姆将这些东西放在了体育馆周围的不少地方,他还表示雅典方面将不会在安全检查中发现这些物品。 The tabloid also claimed Graham was able to wander around the site with passes which he says were in the names of "Michael Mouse" and "Robert bin Laden" around his neck. 镜报还说,格拉汉姆拥有在埋藏点附近走动的通行证。 On Sunday, Athens Organising Committee spokesman Michalis Zacharatos dismiss the story as inaccurate and misleading. 不过,雅典组委会的新闻发言人扎赫拉托斯已经在昨天的一个新闻发布会上将这个故事称作是“不准确的”和“带有误导性质”的。 "A background check was performed on this individual before he obtained an accreditation. The person mentioned in the story worked as a subcontractor for a production company during the opening ceremony. In all cases background checks are performed without the applicant's knowledge and without compromising this individual's privacy I can tell you that his passport details are in our possession as well as that of the Ministry of Public Order and this was used during his background check." “我想说的是,在这个人拿到 记者证之前,我们就已经对他的背景进行了核查。故事中的这名男子在开幕式的时候作为一家公司的承包商工作。在所有的背景调查中,我们拿到了关于这个人的一切。我想说的式,我甚至可以告诉你他护照上的细节。而且这些都在对他进行背景调查的时候被使用。” "Security has and will remain our number one priority. We do recognise the role of journalism reporting on actual problems and this is an important role. The story was prank or crank journalism and not indicative of an actual security problem at the Athens Olympics. We are of course disappointed but not surprised that this tabloid story, factually inaccurate as it was, has gained wider attention and interest. Thank you." “安全工作现在是,而且将来一直都会是最为重要的。我们知道记者在比赛期间的问题和任务,这是一个重要的角色。这个故事是一个无稽之谈,并不说明我们的安全存在真正的问题。我们当然感到非常的失望,但是并不是感到非常惊讶。这个故事完全的不真实,但是却受到了这么多的关注和兴趣。谢谢” |