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视频-雅典奥运气氛渐浓 首日安全工作成主题

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月14日 09:16 新浪体育

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  People have to work on Friday for Olympic fever ahead of the opening of the Games. Greece have spent a record 1.5 billion dollars on the large security preparations for a sporting event. From the sky, to the sea and to the streets, the organizers are taking mere chances for the first summer olympics after the 911 terrorist attacks.

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  There are many Athens residents are more excited than the Game returning to its spiritual home than anything else.


  This woman says the games should have been returned to Greece many years ago. And perhaps they should never leave Greece but I am very proud the games are here.


  And this woman says she wish just everything to be fine because a lot of people (she means foreigners) doubt it.


  Security preparations for the Games includes some 70-thousand police and security personnel protecting sports venues around Greece. Assisstants from NATO includes fighter jets, a radar planes, Patriot missile battery and NATO vessels patrol ports and seacoasts.


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