视频-梦六极力避免尴尬 布朗:加索尔堪称最佳 |
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月26日 22:34 新浪体育 |
There are no more excuses for Team USA. No more chances to fix problems with one more game. No more efforts that can fall just short. 对于美国队来说,现在已经没有任何借口了。他们也没有再利用比赛来修补自身的问题。也没有再度失败的机会。
The medal round begins on Thursday against Spain, and the inconsistent Americans realise a defeat now will end their hopes of a medal in Athens. 小组赛已经结束,残酷的淘汰赛将从星期四开始,而美国队的第一个对手就是西班牙。但是还没有完全协调好的美国队队员明白,如果这场比赛失利,他们就将丧失在雅典哪怕只是获得一枚奖牌的机会。 Spain are led by NBA star Pau Gasol, came through their group unbeaten and play an NBA-style game - all reasons for concern for the USA's head coach Larry Brown. 西班牙由NBA球星加索尔领军,他们从A组中以不败的战绩出局,西班牙队在比赛中真正打出了NBA风格的比赛。至少,美国队的主教练拉里-布朗是这么认为的。 "They're good. They've got probably one of the best players in the world in Gasol. Their power forward (Jorge) Garbajosa is probably as good as most power forwards in our league. They can shoot the ball. They're deep and well coached. They're very experienced. They have just a terrific team." “他们非常出色。他们拥有一名也许是世界上最出色的选手-加索尔。他们的大前锋加巴荷萨也非常出色,就像NBA中顶尖的大前锋一样。他们能够外线投篮,比赛打得很有层次,而且团结得非常出色。西班牙队国际大赛的经验丰富,这是一直令人害怕的队伍。” Already, this year's so-called Dream Team has earned several dubious honours, including becoming the first United States squad featuring NBA players to lose an Olympic match and the first American team ever to finish lower than top spot in their opening group. But they remain confident and also be cautious. 今年的这支梦之队已经获得了不少让人尴尬的头衔,包括自从派NBA球员参加奥运会之来在奥运会上的首场失利,他们也是首支没有在小组赛中以小组头名出线的球队。但是,他们依然对接下来的比赛充满了信心。 "Yeah, the sense of urgency is there. We understand that if we lose a game, then we can't win a gold medal. Obviously, for forty minutes, we're going to play hard and give it our all. We don't have any minutes or seconds to lose. So, we're going to go fight for forty minutes and see what happens." “我们已经有了紧迫的感觉。我们都明白,如果我们输掉这场比赛的话,我们就很有可能无法获得金牌。当然,在40分钟的比赛中,我们都需要非常努力的去比赛并展示自己的所有能力。我们不能够输掉每一分钟的比赛。因此,我们要在比赛的40分钟里面战斗,然后再看结果。” "It's going to be stepped up, but no, no one's said it. If you're here at this point on this team and you don't understand that, there's something wrong with you. This is the medal round, we understand it's win or go home and we're going to bring as much as we have tomorrow." “比赛会变得越来越困难,但是没有人这么说过。如果你在现在这个时间,在这支队伍里,但是你却连这点都还没有意识到,那你一定是除了一些问题。这已经是淘汰赛了,我们知道要不获胜,要不就回家。我们会在比赛中竭尽全力。” The time for wake-up calls has passed, and if they sleepwalk into Thursday's game, Team USA will earn one more unenviable distinction.... the first US men's basketball team ever to leave an Olympics without a medal around their necks. 现在对于美国队来说,已经过了朦朦胧胧的时候了,如果他们在接下来的比赛中依然像梦游一样,那么,这支美国队就将再获得一个糟糕的头衔。他们将成为第一支两手空空离开奥运会的美国队。 |