视频-奥运火炬传递接近尾声 圣火抵达帕台农神庙 |
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月13日 08:47 新浪体育 |
Just after the sunset on Thursday, the Olympic flame finally reached the Acropolis has been passed to the Athens street by succession of atheletes. 在星期四日落之前,奥运火炬终于来到了雅典,火炬将在雅典的接到由一系列的知名运动员进行传递。
Nine times winner of gold medals, Carl Lewis, Lewis handed the torch on to Greek high jumper Niki Bakogianni, a sliver medallist at Atlanta in 1996 who lit the flame at the ancient Parthenon temple on the hill of Acropolis. 九枚奥运金牌的获得者,卡尔-刘易斯将火炬交给了希腊的跳高运动员巴科吉亚尼。巴科吉亚尼曾经在亚特兰大奥运会获得了一枚跳高的银牌。她用火炬点燃了帕台农神庙门口的火炬。 The flame reachs Acropolis after a journey across five continents and was cheered on by thousands of Athenians and tourists across the city. It would burned above the capital before the launch of the Games on Friday. 火炬是在进行了全球传递之后抵达希腊的,火炬收到了上千名的雅典市民和游客的欢迎。点燃的火炬将一直在明天凌晨奥运会开幕之前传递到雅典市中心。 Watching the liting ceremony were the International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge, Greek President, Prime Minister, and athelets representative Bakogianni. 同时观看了这次点火仪式的还包括国际奥委会主席罗格,希腊总统,希腊总理和运动员代表巴科吉亚尼。 The Olympic flame was originally lit in March in Olympia, ancient site of the first Games soutwest of Athens. 这次的奥林匹克火炬是3月在奥林匹亚,也就是第一届奥运会举办的旧址被点燃的。 |