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视频-巴勒斯坦参加奥运 女子标枪运动员资格遭质疑

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月11日 12:25 新浪体育

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  新浪体育讯 A Palestinian team will compete in the olympics this year for only the third time in history. Following appearances in Atalanta in 1996 and Sydney in 2000. Three competitors will represent Palestinians in Athens.

  It was hoped that they will be joined by the formal Greek Olympian and world record holder, 47 years old female javelin thrower Sophia Sakorafa, who sor
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t to compete under the Palestinian flag in an act of solidarity.

  This request was denied by the IOC. The IAAF sent a letter to Palestinia saying Sakorafa who received Palestinian citizenship this year would not be able to compete in the game based on the length of her throw.

  Palestinian officials questioned motives behind the decision. Sakorafa proudly held up her Palestinian passport signed by Yassir Arafat and said not allowing her to compete in Athens violates the Olympic idea of friendship among nations.

  Sakorafa participated in the 1980 Olympics in Moscow as a member of the Greek team and broke the women's javelin record at the 1982 European Championships. She then drop the sport, becoming a mother and a local politician.


  巴勒斯坦曾希望前希腊奥运选手和世界纪录保持者,47岁的女子标枪运动员索非亚-莎寇拉法(Sophia Sakorafa)加入其代表团,莎寇拉法也愿以国家间团结的名义加入巴勒斯坦代表团。




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