视频-市容环境也成大问题 雅典着手处理流浪狗 |
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月12日 08:33 新浪体育 |
Greek officials promised on Wednesday not to put down thousands of stray dogs after the Olympics are over. 希腊的官员已经在周三做出保证,将不会在奥运会之后杀死收容的流浪狗。 This is in respond of the animal protection groups who have voiced their
这个保证是针对一个国际动物保护组织的声音提出的。该组织表示,他们担心希腊政府将在奥运会之后将这些流浪狗全部杀死。 In Athens, stray dogs are normally free to roam the city streets. 在雅典,流浪狗一般是自由的,他们总是能够在城市的街道上自由的行走。 But the city has recently rounded up the streets, concerned that their presence might damage the city's image ahead of the Athelets and spectators attending the Olympic Games. 不过城市的官员最近却封闭了城市的街道,因为他们考虑到流浪狗在街上的行为能够会在众多的运动员和观光客面前损害雅典的城市形象。 The government says they will free the strays after 45 days. 希腊政府表示,他们将在45天之后释放全部的流浪狗。 But animal rights groups aren't so sure. They've called for assurances that the dogs will not be mistreated. 但是动物保护组织却不是那么确定,他们认为对于这些流浪狗来说,要给他们呼吁更多的保障。 Government estimates have placed the capital's stray population at under five-thousand. 就政府最新估计,在雅典街头的流浪狗的总数已经达到了5000只。 The Agriculture Ministry says one-thousand dogs have been placed in kennels so far. 而农业部则声明他们已经将1000只左右的流浪狗装到了笼子里。 There are some strays left on the streets, last week, some of them have found to gather in the Olympic village even after a wide spread sweep by soldiers and police. 当然,现在在街上还有很多剩余的流浪狗。在上周的一次由士兵和警察参与的大规模清理活动之后,人们就又在奥运村门口发现了一帮聚集在一起的流浪狗。看来,希腊方面的工作依然任重道远。 |