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视频-梦六再次遭遇沉重打击 保罗哈姆金牌失而复得

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月22日 17:13 新浪体育

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  Iraqis celebrates its olympic soccer team beats Australia 1:0 in the men's quarter-finals in Athens. The win puts the invaded war-torn country in line to compete for only its second medal in Iraq's history.


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  US men's basketball team endured another brutal loss, this time is with Lithuania 94:90, but because Angola is playing even worse than the Americans, the Dream Team is in the quarter-finals of the Games.


  America's swimmer Michael Phelps won another gold medal, this time from a front row seat at the Olympic pool. When his teammates won a 400 medley relay of a record time Phelps got a gold, too. His record time is at the Games.


  As for Paul Hamm, his gold medal just lost to its loster. The International Gymnastics Federation ruled the scoring mistake of the all-around gymnastics final cause Yang Tae-young the gold ended up going to him. The South Korean won the bronze. Three judges were suspended, but the results will not be changed.


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