视频-雅典郊区发生森林火灾 奥运会会场未受影响 |
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月21日 16:17 新浪体育 |
A fire broke out on Friday afternoon next to the Mountain Bykinvanue near the Parnitha mountains on the outskirts of Athens. 3 helicoppers and 4 special planes were deployed to spray water over the wooded area to stop the fire from spreading. 周五下午雅典郊区的巴肯瓦吕山发生森林火灾,火灾地点距离帕尼萨山不远,后者
A sparkle from some electric wires along the boundary frence of the Mountain Bykinvanue was thought to be the cause of the blaze. Firemen acted quickly to bring the Olympic venue under control. 据调查人员分析,巴肯瓦吕山边界围栏上的电线火花是造成火灾的主要原因。火灾发生后,消防队员的反应迅速,奥运会比赛场地未受任何影响。 A large forrest fire had broken out in the same area in July. Wild fires are common in Greece during July and August when temperature soar and hot seasonal winds blow over from Sahara Dezert in North Africa. 今年七月份相同地区也曾发生森林火灾。每年夏天的七月和八月,受北非撒哈拉沙漠干燥季风的影响,希腊境内经常发生森林火灾。 Nearly 75 firemen were deployed in the course of the incident which is not expected to have anny effect on the mountain bycling events due to start next Friday with the women's cross-country competition. 火灾发生地点已部署了约75名消防队员,预计火灾将不会对奥运会的山地车比赛产生任何影响。奥运会山地车比赛预定于下周五开始,首先举行的是女子越野赛。 |