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视频-皮特曼膝伤神奇康复 将参加女子400米栏比赛

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月20日 17:14 新浪体育

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  World 400m Hurdles Champion Jana Pittman comfirmed that she will be competing at the Athens Olympics. The Australian's Participation had been in doubt after she was forced to undergo knee surgery a few weeks ago.


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  The story of Pittman's knee has kept many sports' fan on the edge of theirs seats on the bills of the Athens Olympics. The prospect of the world champion competing in the game look remote after she tore the cartilage of her right knee at a pregame .


  But on Thursday at the night Jana Pittman said the doctor had gave her the all clear to compete.


  "It has been a long journey, initially when it's quite heart-breaking, and has now become something that, I think that will lead me in the rest of my life, as a secondary chance, but someting that I will always look back on in terms of, I don't know, the paper back in Australia, the support I have in the medical everything means so much in the last several weeks. To be here now, to be a lad to run is a dream comes true."


  The 21-year old was injured at a Zurich Golden League meet on August 6th, and admits that she had only been over 3 hurdles in training since recovering from her injury.


  A fully fit Pittman is regarded as Australia's best chance of a track medal in Athens. But for now just being able to take her to the track seems enough.


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