视频-英语看奥运 艾弗森对美国队晋级充满信心 |
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月18日 15:40 新浪体育 |
One day after a humiliating 92-73 opening loss to Puerto Rico, USA men's basketball co-captain Allen Iverson wondered aloud Monday whether his star-studded side is actually a team at all. 上周日美国男篮队以73比92意外负于波多黎各。周一,美国男篮队长之一艾弗森抱
Without naming anyone, Iverson said several players on the Team USA squad may have packed their egos along with their uniforms when they left for the States for Greece. 艾弗森并未点名批评任何队友,但他认为美国男篮的部分选手在代表美国篮球队达到希腊后明显浮现自负情绪。 "For something so big, something we're trying to accomplish it kind of hurt when guys are not on the same page and trying to accomplish the same thing. It's an honour to be here, you know, and it's something that everybody should cherish and to be able to be the chosen as the best players as the U-S and not come here with the same agenda, it's kind of tough." “奥运会是世界性的体育盛会,我们本想实现预先制定的目标。但部分队员并未齐心协力,他们对奥运会中的成绩毫不在意。来参加奥运会是项荣誉,每个队员都应该好好珍惜,最好的NBA球员都应该来奥运赛场。假如队员不齐心协力,比赛将会非常艰难。” The American defeat gave Iverson and the rest of his so-called Dream Team mates the unenviable distinction of being the first-ever U-S team featuring N-B-A players to suffer a loss in Olympic competition. 负于波多黎各队后,艾弗森和邓肯所率领的梦六队成为了首支在奥运会中告负的由NBA职业球员组成的美国男子篮球队。 But with Team USA needing only to finish in the top four of its six country group to make the quarterfinals, Iverson says he fully expects the Americans to regroup and get back to their winning ways against a remaining preliminary schedule that includes Greece, Lithuania, Australia and Angola. 不过,美国男篮只需在六支队组成的一个组中获得前四名即可参加四分之一决赛。艾弗森认为,他完全相信美国队能在余下的比赛中振作起来,重回获胜轨道。与美国队同组的队伍还有希腊、立陶宛、澳大利亚和安哥拉。 |