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视频-英语看奥运 希腊两田径选手正式退出奥运

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月18日 15:39 新浪体育

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  Athenians were in shock following the withdrawal from the Olympic Games of top Greek sprinters Kostas Kenteris and Katerina Thanou.

  希腊短跑选手肯特利斯(Costas Kenteris)和塔努(Katerina Thanou)宣布退出本届奥运会,这一消息几乎令希腊举国震惊。

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  The pair announced they would not take part in the games on Wednesday, nearly a week after the they both missed a drug test and were hospitalised after a mysterious motorcycle crash.


  Kenteris and Thannou have met earlier on Wednesday with IOC disciplinary commitee, which has been looking into why the two athletes miss the test and hold the hearing on Thursday.


  The IOC later announced on Wednesday that the athletes have turned in the Olympic accreditation.


  "Mr Constantinos Kenteris and Miss Katerina Thanou, along with their coach Christos Tzekos, surrendered their accreditations. They thereby give up their place at the Athens Olympic Games and their chance to compete here in Athens."


  The case have already referred to the sports governing body because any immediate actions became mood when the atheletes withdrew from the Olympics.


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