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视频-英语看奥运 伊拉克逐渐被国际奥委会接受

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月18日 15:38 新浪体育

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  Whatever the eventual medal haul, Iraq's Olympic bosses Tuesday (17/8) declared themselves happy with the way things were going in Athens.


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  The reception in Greece has been warm - and no athlete representing the country faces prison for sporting failure - something that happened in the days of Saddam Hussein's rule.

  伊拉克运动员在雅典受到了热烈欢迎 - 没有任何选手会因在运动项目的不佳表现而遭牢狱之灾 - 而在萨达姆-侯赛因统治期间,这类事件屡见不鲜。

  They've got much bigger problems surely, to deal with at the moment than the quest for Olympic glory.


  But for what it's worth, Iraq has a skeleton team in Athens - more a propaganda coup in the 'battle for hearts and minds' than a statement of serious sporting intent.

  伊拉克代表团在雅典仅保留了最基础的架构 - 代表团的首要任务并非是竞技体育而是在“心灵和思想方面”展开宣传攻势。

  Speaking in the Greek capital on Tuesday, the country's athletes and Olympic committee members said that their team's achievements were greater than expected.


  Dr. Tiras Anwaya, who is coach and Director General of the committee, said Iraqi athletes were excelling in their chosen fields despite Iraq's inadequate training facilities.


  "This reception was exceptional, I think due to the situation that we have been through due to the oppression of the Iraqi

  people and to the new performance of the Iraqi athletes coming out of war and coming out of battles. Coming out of areas where there are no fields to practice, where there are no stadiums to practice, there are no indoor halls to practice. To get good results I think was great for us."


  But those athletes wouldn't be punished for their shortcomings - especially when beyond their control.

  好在我们的运动员再也不会因缺乏训练而受到处罚 - 其实他们对国内的混乱局面也是无能为力。

  President of the National Olympic Committee of Iraq, Ahmed Abdul Ghafour Assamarai said such considerations were quite so important when Saddam Hussein was still in charge in Baghdad.


  "The spirit of our athletes now to be here in Athens - this is ... the fear that usually controlled our athletes before, fear from the previous Olympic committee and its president Uday (Hussein - son of Saddam). Even if he didn't show the thing which he would like to see, he is going to put them in prison or torturing them."

  “我们运动员全身心地投入了雅典的奥运会比赛 - 而以前他们完全被恐惧情绪所包围,他们害怕前伊拉克奥委会主席乌代的恐怖体罚。一旦比赛结果不符合乌代的期望,他就会对运动员进行体罚甚至将他们投入监狱。”

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