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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月15日 15:08 新浪体育

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  The opening ceremony of the 28th olympic games in Athens on Friday was overshadowed by the news that the host's olympic medal hopefuls Kostas Kenteris and Katerina Thanou had failed to attend a doping test on Thursday. The two, who are currently nursing minor injuries in an Athens hospital after being involved in a motorcycle accident, will face disciplinary hearing on Monday. Giselle Davies, the IOC communications director said on Saturday that the techniques used to
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expose doping have been expanded for the games. "with regards doping issues, as the president himself has said, we wouldn't be surprised if there are more doping cases found during this olympic games. That's a reflection of the fact that the testing has increased by 25 per cent, that means widen the time period during which testing can happen, and therefore will be a reflection of us catching more of those athletes who are not playing by the rules."

  译文:周五在雅典举行的28届奥运会的开幕式因东道主最有希望获得奖牌的两位选手肯特利斯(Costas Kenteris)和塔努(Katerina Thanou)错过了一次药检而黯然失色。目前,这两位选手在雅典的一家医院接受治疗,他们在此前发生的一起摩托车交通事故中受了伤,周一他们将面临一次决定是否对他们施以处罚的听证会。周六,国际奥委会(IOC)新闻主管戴维斯(Giselle Davies)表示,本届奥运会检测兴奋剂的技术手段已经大大改进,“在兴奋剂的问题上,正如主席先生说过的那样:如果在本届奥运会上发生更多的兴奋剂事件,我们不会感到惊奇。这与本次药检的力度提高了25%有关,表明可能进行药检的时间增加了,因此我们可以抓住更多不遵守规则的运动员。”

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