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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月15日 15:06 新浪体育

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  In a stunning blow to the host nation of the summer games, two star sprinters were suspended from the Greek olympic team on Saturday from the sync drug test. Kostas Kenteris, the reigning 200 meter champion, is this country's most celebrated athlete and he was Greeces top hope for a gold model in track in Athens. Katerina Thanou, the 100-meter silver medallist from Sydney four years ago, is the training partner of Kenteris. The sprinters's coach was also suspended. Th
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e head of the Greece's Olympic committee said the board decided to remove the athletes until the final decision by the International Olympic Committee. Kenteris and Thanou remain hospitalized on Saturday with minor injuries reportedly sustained in a motorcycle crash earlier the day before, just hours after the drug testers failed to find them in the olympic village. Police said they had begun preliminary investigation into that accident. The case has shamed Greece overshadowing the opening of what is supposed to be a triumphant showcase of national pride and achievement.

  译文:周六,夏季奥运会的东道主希腊遭受沉重一击,两位明星级的短跑选手因错过药检而被希腊代表队驱逐。这两名选手是男子200米卫冕冠军、希腊最著名的运动员、希腊获得径赛金牌的最大希望肯特利斯(Costas Kenteris)和悉尼女子100米银牌得主、肯特利斯的训练伙伴塔努(Katerina Thanou)。两位选手的教练也被驱逐。希腊奥委会的负责人指出,该委员会决定在国际奥委会做出最终判决前驱逐这两位选手。周六,肯特利斯和塔努仍因为身体的小伤病在医院接受治疗,据传他们是在此前一天的一起摩托车相撞事故中受的伤,此时距药检人员没有在奥运村找到他们只有几个小时。警方表示,他们已开始对这起事故进行初步调查。这一事件让整个开幕式黯然无光,希腊本希望开幕式能成功展示国民的自豪和国家的成就。

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