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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年08月15日 15:05 新浪体育

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  Scorching temperatures played athletes and fans alike as the summer games in Athens hit into high gear on Saturday. Two of the worlds' most powerful swimmers, Li Du of China and Michael Phelps of the US claimed the first two gold medals of the games. Also Greece Olympic Committee suspended two of the host nation's star sprinters Kostas Kenteris and Katerina Thanou from missing drug tests. Their coach was also suspended. Earlier, Giselle Davies of International Olympic
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Committee said the doping detection method has been expanded for the games and so... "We wouldn't be surprised if there are more doping cases found during this olympic games". As for the heat, temperatures at some venues in the Greek capital topped 100 degrees. Cycling officials eased their rules so support crews can hand extra water to their riders during the nearly six hour road race that looped around the Acropolis and other landmarks. Still no major butches of athletes had made doubts about the preparations for the games and extra securitis on hand. so far, so good.

  译文:周六,随着运动员和体育迷的竞争进入白热化,雅典奥运会逐渐步入高潮。中国的杜丽和美国的菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)夺取了各自项目的首枚奥运金牌。此外,希腊奥委会决定,由于错过药检,东道主的明星短跑选手肯特利斯(Costas Kenteris)和塔努(Katerina Thanou)被驱逐出希腊代表队,他们的教练也被驱逐。稍早时,国际奥委会(IOC)的官员戴维斯(Giselle Davies)表示,本届奥运会检测兴奋剂的技术手段已经提高,因此“如果在本届奥运会上发生更多的兴奋剂事件,我们不会感到惊奇。”由于气温过高,雅典某些赛场的温度已超过华氏100度。自行车比赛的官员已修改规则,使后勤支持人员可以在近六个小时的,途径卫城和其他地标性建筑的公路自行车赛中将更多的水递给运动员。运动员还没有对比赛的准备工作和额外的安检措施提出明显的质疑。迄今为止,奥运会一切正常。

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